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Aim of the programme: The main programme for growth of the business in Bulgaria, where enterprises can receive financing for development of R&D and innovations, digitalization, supply of machinery and equipment for growth and increasing competitiveness, energy efficiency and transition to circular economy, etc.
Project size: ca. 25 000 EUR – 500 000 EUR
Funding rate: ca. 20% – 50%
Aim of the programme: The main programme for the agricultural sector in Bulgaria, providing financing for enterprises, registered in rural areas, or agricultural producers for supply of machinery and equipment and other activities for development and growth of their agricultural holdings, energy efficiency measures, development of bio products, etc.
Project size: ca. 15 000 EUR – 1 500 000 EUR (for enterprises)
Funding rate: ca. 35% – 75% (for enterprises)
Aim of the programme: Various programmes within Bulgaria’s Recovery and Resilience Plan for economic transformation, science and innovation, circular economy and other activities for growth of the enterprises
Project size: ca. 20 000 EUR – 500 000 EUR (for enterprises)
Funding rate: 20% – 100%
Aim of the programme: The main programme in the social sphere in Bulgaria, financing public organizations, social institutions, NGOs and enterprises for support of the employment, reduction of the unemployment, fostering entrepreneurship, skills development among employed and unemployed people, support for disadvantaged people, elderly people and people in needs, fight with poverty, promotion of social inclusion, adapting of the work environment in enterprises, etc.
Project size: ca. 25 000 EUR – 200 000 EUR (for enterprises)
Funding rate: 80% – 100%
Aim of the programme: The main programme for support of R&D in Bulgaria, aiming at sustainable development of the Bulgarian research and innovation ecosystem which provides support for the development of centers of excellence and centers of competence for projects in the field of green and digital technologies, high-performance computing, microelectronics, hydrogen, renewable energy, etc., digital and innovation hubs, regional innovation clusters, etc.
Project size: TBD in the calls for proposals
Funding rate: TBD in the calls for proposals
Aim of the programme: The programmes (5 separate programmes) provide support for enhancing the integrated cross-border cooperation between organizations from the bordering regions between Bulgaria and its surrounding countries, providing financing for environmental and nature protection, climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, development of local infrastructure, important for both sides of the borders, enhancing the cultural, educational and tourism cooperation between the countries, etc.
Project size: ca. 50 000 EUR – 200 000 EUR for enterprises, up to ca. 3,5 mln EUR for public bodies
Funding rate: up to 70% for enterprises, up to 100% for public bodies
Aim of the programme: The programme aims at integrated territorial and urban development and finances projects of ministries, municipalities, state bodies, NGOs and other beneficiaries for development of various types of infrastructure (road, educational, health, cultural, etc.), supply of equipment, energy efficiency, urban mobility, development of sports and tourism, etc.
Project size: TBD in the calls for proposals
Funding rate: up to 100% for public bodies
Aim of the programme: The programme is one of the main tools for supporting reforms in the Bulgarian education system with the main aim to ensure quality and inclusive education for all.
Project size: TBD in the calls for proposals
Funding rate: up to 100% for public bodies
Aim of the programme: The programme aims at environment protection and finances projects of ministries, municipalities, public bodies, NGOs and other beneficiaries for investments in five priorities: 1) drinking and wastewater infrastructure; 2) waste management; 3) biodiversity; 4) risk and climate change; 5) air.
Project size: TBD in the calls for proposals
Funding rate: up to 100% for public bodies