Behind the scenes series – Katerina Pop-Arsova


Welcome to our new interview series – Behind the Scenes – where we get to know the colleagues who keep the wheels turning here at Civitta.

This month, spotlight on Katerina Pop-Arsova, our Business Development Manager.

Katerina, the cupid of contracts, is our professional matchmaker who brings together companies and clients in a harmonious union. Her secret weapon? A quiver full of persuasive proposals and a love for sealing the deal.

Hi Katerina, thank you for joining our “Behind the Scenes” series!
Can you tell us about your experience at Civitta?

I’ve had an incredible experience at Civitta! I started as an International Tender Specialist and steadily progressed to the role of Senior International Tender Specialist. Currently, I am thrilled to work as Business Development Manager. Throughout my journey, 

I’ve encountered unexpected changes within the department, which have ultimately made me more resilient, facilitated my personal growth, and, above all, deepened my passion for the work I do.

Congratulations on your journey! It sounds like you truly enjoy your work.
What does a typical workday look like for you?

In my role, my day-to-day activities involve a dynamic blend of interacting with external companies, partners, and meeting deadlines while orchestrating and managing tender processes. The exacting work required to gather the necessary elements and coordinate them into a comprehensive tender is both challenging and deeply satisfying. 

Our team consists of 4-5 members, but currently we are in the exciting phases of expansion. Each member of our team brings immense value, and I feel incredibly grateful for their presence. Working alongside such kind and supportive colleagues is crucial, as I firmly believe that teamwork truly makes the dream work!

And indeed it does, how does your team ensure to keep up the team spirit?

In order to keep up the team spirit, we like to have team-building activities, often involving trips outside Macedonia and our home countries, ranging from outdoor adventures to creative problem-solving exercises and casual social events, creating truly memorable experiences that strengthen our bonds. 

Additionally, the presence of music in our office always boosts our mood and provides an opportunity to showcase our (albeit not so well) singing talents, adding an element of fun to our work environment.

Can you share with me some memory from your times at CIVITTA?

Each year we gather at one location to boost the team spirit. You may wonder how we keep up with our colleagues, being in 18 countries and working remotely, but these events truly have an impact and make us work as one after each one of them. To get back to one memorable event…something I took pride in was the Olympics games we had in which I signed up for the running competition. 

Since we were on a mountain, it turned out that it will be running up the hill, which I have never done, but there was no way I was going to give up!  So I gave my very last breath to finish in due time and afterwards laid on the ground like a true Olympic athlete.

So you truly embody the Challenger spirit of CIVITTA!
But, how do you like to relax after work?

At the end of each workday, I spend some time with my beloved cat, Leo. As a way to unwind, I crank up the volume on some energetic music that helps me relax. When time permits, I embrace my love for staying active by going for a refreshing run or a hike. 

Additionally, I cherish the moments shared with my loved ones over dinner or a relaxing drink, bonding and enjoying each other’s company.

Lastly, why would you recommend CIVITTA to newcomers?

There are a few crucial aspects I would emphasise: impact, growth and adventure. Our projects are impactful and allow you to contribute to the wellness of society, while giving you the opportunity to grow and showcase your capabilities. 

The adventurous spirit makes all this exciting!