For the third year, Civitta Slovakia has been successfully implementing a project called Universal Analytical Competence. The goal of the project is to create and pilot a unique educational program that prepares graduates for the changing labor market. The University of Žilina (UNIZA) has long been one of the leading educational institutions in Slovakia and has a tradition of collaborating with the private sector to connect education and research with practice. That is why we decided to join forces and support the development of competencies for students and employees in the Žilina region through this project.
In addition to UNIZA, significant partners from the employer and support organization sectors, such as the IT company Scheidt & Bachmann and non-profit organizations like the Pontis Foundation, Košice IT Valley, and SAPIE, have also joined the project. These organizations share our vision of increasing qualifications and addressing the needs of the changing labor market, while also bringing together key employers from various Slovak regions who create demand for new job skills.
The demand from employers for key competencies among their employees is shifting, as the economy undergoes the so-called 4th Industrial Revolution, driven by rapid technological advancements and automation. According to Europe-wide employer surveys, at least 54% of all employees will need to undergo reskilling training and courses by 2022 to remain valuable to their businesses. Employees will increasingly be required to work with data and use it to improve business operations or develop new products.
However, based on employers’ opinions, formal education does not adequately prepare their employees for the changing market conditions and practical demands. Opportunities for intensive and practical lifelong learning in key analytical areas beyond formal education are one of the best alternatives for addressing this challenge.
In cooperation with UNIZA and other private companies from the region, we are developing an intensive educational program that will prepare graduates for complex and practical data work and project management in this field. Graduates of the program will learn to work comprehensively with analytical methods through practical examples from experts: from designing and conducting measurements to processing the data and proposing creative and innovative solutions based on findings using the latest innovation techniques.
At the same time, graduates will have the opportunity to improve their communication and presentation skills, teamwork abilities, and capacity to learn from feedback. All the theoretical knowledge gained will be tested by solving real-life problems and challenges.
For more information about the educational program content, you can download the program brochure.
This project is implemented with the support of the European Social Fund and the European Regional Development Fund under the Human Resources Operational Program.