Local funding

Applied research programme

Aim of the programme: Supporting the companies delivering applied research and developing new or significantly enhanced technologies, processes, products or services, in cooperation with R&D institutions
Project size: 250 000 – 2 mln EUR
Funding rate: 20-75%

Product development grant

Aim of the programme: Supporting the companies in developing new, highly competitive products or services. The aim is to increase the competitiveness and export revenues of the companies
Project size: up to 500 000 EUR
Funding rate: 25-45%

Digitalisation grant

Aim of the programme: Supporting the companies’ investments into digitalisation, automatisation or utilization of robots. The wider aim of the grant is to improve the processes of the companies and reduce the need for manual work.
Project size: up to 300 000 EUR
Funding rate: 20-50%

Investment grant for Ida-Viru companies

Aim of the programme: The aim is to encourage companies to diversify their business practices. The grant will enable investments in Ida-Viru county to boost the growth of new jobs.
Project size: starting from 500 000 EUR
Funding rate: up to 65%

Investment grant SMEs in Ida-Viru

Aim of the programme: The aim is to encourage companies to diversify their business practices. The grant supports establishment of new entities or development of new products with higher added value.
Project size: 30 000 – 500 000 EUR
Funding rate: 35-80%

Resource and energy efficiency

Aim of the programme: The aim is to increase the resource and energy efficiency of the companies through implementation of novel technologies.
Project size: 100 000 – 1 mln EUR
Funding rate: up to 50%