Enliven — Making Digital Sports Coaching Reality



The background:

Our client is a successful entrepreneur. Having been a professional ice hockey player in the past, he has always been passionate about helping kids improve their game. He approached us with the idea of using smartphones to achieve this goal, and we were more than happy to join his mission.

Aim of the project:

Our client chose to work with us due to our experience in app development and the approach to the process. Our first focus was to ensure that our proof of concept worked, so we developed a few small demo parts of the app. We chose concepts that had never been done before, including one where the app had to recognise a hockey puck and determine if it was moving correctly. Once we achieved this quickly and successfully within a reasonable budget, we could start working on the whole app, which was named Enliven.

The app was initially designed to improve ice hockey skills for children and teenagers. However, as our client’s ambitions grew, we expanded the program’s capabilities to a broader audience and included more sports. Enliven allows the user to select a sport and specify points of interest. The app then generates a personalised training plan based on the user’s skill level and available equipment. With the help of professional video tutorials, Enliven guides the user through the training plan. The app uses motion detection through the phone’s camera to track the user’s movements and provide real-time feedback.

The app is designed to work on Apple iOS, allowing users to utilise their Apple Watch to track important metrics such as their pulse and heartbeat during training. After each training session, the app adjusts the difficulty level for the next one based on user feedback and performance data.

One of the most exciting aspects of our project has been creating and implementing AI technology to recognise the user’s movements. Our goal was to enhance our app’s capabilities beyond what is currently available on the market, and AI played a crucial role in achieving that. We trained Enliven to accurately monitor users’ movements and angles between limbs to become the most effective artificial coach possible.

Services provided:

  • Wireframe design.
  • UX and UI development for the app.
  • iOS app development.
  • Developing user’s training plan algorithm. 
  • Coding and training AI.
  • Developing the admin panel backend.
  • Enliven branding.
  • Ongoing post-launch support, implementation of new features and improvements to the present day.

Project results:

Our client has brought his vision to reality. Together, we created the Enliven app, which enables individuals of all ages to learn and excel in sports. We are closing in on the finish line of beta testing the app in North America and are gearing up for a global launch in the near future. And we are thrilled with the positive reception from our users and the client. 

We envision a promising future for Enliven and plan to expand its capabilities by adding more sports, such as basketball and soccer, and further enhancing the AI.


Povilas Redko

Partner, Vilnius, Lithuania