eu-LISA — Providing Skilled Interim Staff for Seamless Operations

The background:

eu-LISA is the EU Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice. It is responsible for ensuring the effective management of large-scale IT systems, which are crucial in implementing the EU’s asylum, border management, and migration policies.

To maintain high-quality service delivery, eu-LISA requires dedicated personnel. This includes temporary employees for unforeseen absences, additional staff during peak periods, and specialised competencies not currently available within the agency. Since 2014, we have supplied full-time interim staff for eu-LISA’s operational sites in Tallinn and Strasbourg, covering job vacancies such as HR, finance, security, e-learning, policy, communication, and administrative support.

Aim of the project:

We have a meticulous recruitment process and provide extensive support and training for our temporary employees, ensuring that eu-LISA always has proficient personnel. Our temporary employees take on various roles, including assisting the Head of a Unit, managing Health and Safety across the entire eu-LISA, drafting various security-related processes and aiding in the legal domain, to name just a few examples.

We create value for eu-LISA by providing administrative support so the organisation can function efficiently. They can always contact us when they have a peak work period and quickly hire new people. Although our core project team is based in Estonia, we supply employees for the agency in Tallinn and Strasbourg. We conduct all our recruitment online.

Our distinctive advantage over competitors lies in our extensive history with eu-LISA. We possess in-depth knowledge of the organisation, its functions, and the qualities it values in its people. During recruitment, we are fully transparent with the candidates and offer them insights into the agency, team dynamics, work environment, management, and other crucial details. This approach helps us find the best candidates for the role. 

Furthermore, we have established a support system for our employees, offering competitive salaries and attractive compensation packages and consistently maintaining communication with them. We make it a point to reach out to them monthly to assess their well-being, address any concerns they may have, and gauge their workload. As a result, we have loyal employees, some of whom have been with us for more than five years.

Services provided:

  • Talent Recruitment: preparing job descriptions, talent searches, screening, shortlisting, verification, interviewing, testing, and selection.
  • Employee Support: problem-solving, mission organisation, relocation support, personal growth discussions, motivation issues, and training planning.
  • Project Management: managing client needs, communication, team management, reporting, and risk management.
  • Contract Management: payroll service, onboarding and offboarding, daily communication.

Project result:

We are currently working under our third framework contract, which is a testament to the quality of our services. Our most significant accomplishment over the past ten years has been successfully recruiting the right individuals for our client, resulting in minimal employee turnover. 

Throughout our collaboration with eu-LISA, we have employed 67 individuals in Tallinn and 33 in Strasbourg, totalling exactly 100 people who have contributed to eu-LISA’s mission. The fact that 18 out of the 100 employees have secured permanent positions within the agency, becoming regular staff members of eu-LISA, demonstrates the exceptional qualifications and high performance of the personnel we provide.