DIH 4 Global Automotive

The background

DIH 4 GLOBAL AUTOMOTIVE (www.dih4globalautomotive.com) aims to become a Digital Innovation Hub for the Automotive Sector in Portugal, arising from the aggregation of a group of entities and companies, coordinated by MOBINOV – Cluster Automóvel de Portugal, and with the objective of providing services to support transformation digital value chain, both at product and process level.

Pressured by profound social changes and public policy, in response to urbanization and environmental and energy impact, the automotive industry is moving towards a mobility industry, characterized by an evolution of the automobile vehicle from a product to a service, with the view that the concept vehicle/car of the future (permanently updated) now points to a set of development areas that refer to autonomous, “green”, personalized / customized and shared vehicles. This new reality implies a profound transformation of the entire automobile value chain, which extends from development to operation, led by mobility services, with opportunities for new actors focused on vehicle functions and underlying technologies.

Project highlights

Where your business meets the digital era.

DIH 4 Global Automotive is a Digital Innovation Hub through the mobilization of knowledge, infrastructure and skills that allow the creation of an innovative digital environment between different players in the automotive industry. 

Thus, it will allow DIH to accelerate the development of new products and solutions to support and empower SMEs, with the objective of providing support services for the (necessary) digital transformation of the value chain, both at the product and process level, functioning as a One Stop Shop to support companies to dynamically respond to growing digital challenges while increasing their competitiveness.

Activity and services

  • Testing before investing (many existing SMEs and start-ups may already be developing innovative ideas or projects for this car of the future that the Polo will validate/test and support its “productization”).
  • Qualification and training in digital skills.
  • Support in seeking financing for investment.
  • Acting as a facilitator in the adoption of new solutions.
  • Providing support to startups to foster the entrepreneurship ecosystem through incubation/acceleration services.

Our contributions

Our services were developed in 3 stages, during which we mobilized and engaged partners and prepared all applications and budgets. In the first phase, we drafted the application for the call “CALL 01/2020 Digital Innovation Hubs – Competition for the recognition of digital innovation hubs and access to the European Network” published by IAPMEI on December 14, 2020, according to the requirements therein, which was approved.

In a second phase, we prepared the application for the DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01 call (DG CONNECT) — Initial Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs, to integrate the Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) from all candidate entities designated by Member States. In a highly competitive context, it was still possible to obtain the Seal of Excellence and the opportunity to access national funding.

Finally, we were responsible for the preparation and submission of the funding application for CALL NO. 03/C16-i03/2022 – Submission of applications for project development under the National Network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) measure of the Portuguese ‘Recovery and Resilience Plan’, where the 6-million-euro project was approved, and will receive support for DIH activities implementation for 3 years.

See: www.dih4globalautomotive.com