The background

The project YEP 5.0 – Young Entrepreneurship Program promoted by AIDA CCI – Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the District of Aveiro, was aimed at younger people and was assumed as a structuring project to promote the entrepreneurial spirit in the North and Center regions, having the its impact on 4 tiers of the regional smart specialization domains – Agroindustry, TICE, Materials and Marine Economy. It was supported by COMPETE 2020/European Social Fund.

Project highlights

Approximately 600 young people were involved in the awareness raising actions and 29 business ideas were received, of which 15 were selected and had individual mentoring support. 

The selected participants visited the most recognized technological and entrepreneurial ecosystem in the world – Silicon Valley (San Francisco – USA). The winning projects (Horizon47, Toymobi and Petshower) won the respective award of monetary prizes, totalling 5000 euros.

Our contributions

Civitta, then Gestluz Consultores, was responsible for organizing awareness sessions in schools and universities, launching an ideas competition, pitch, thematic training sessions, visiting companies and science and technology parks, as well as mobilizing a group of mentors who supported the development of participants’ business ideas.

He was also responsible for the preparation of 5 White Papers, for a greater systematization of the knowledge produced and its wide dissemination. We also participated in accompanying the participants on the visit to Google and other entities in the entrepreneurship ecosystem of Silicon Valley.

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